introduction of this new blog
In this blog, I will definitely be posting daily (sometimes maybe not).
so what will be I doing in here? I will be telling you about one creature in every post, be it an animals, a plant, a bird, an insect or any living thing that I find interesting.
one more thing! if you want to know more about a particular creature you can email me on "" and I will post about it.
So what is our creature for today? its a creature not many know about, a dangerous and a fierce bird which makes you think that dinosaurs might exist, Ostrich? no, Emu? no, I'm talking about no other then The Cassowaries!
Creature profile
Scientific name: Casuarius
Diet: Fruit, carrion, insects, Amphibian and things like that
Speed: 50 Kmph
It can swim like a champion
It can leap up 7 feet into the air
It's kick is very very deadly
it can't fly but runs too fast
a cassowary is one of the deadliest birds in the world, though it has only killed two humans
cassowaries have attacked humans 150 times, only two were dead
cassowaries are in the closest relation to dinosaurs
cassowaries live in southern Australia, new Guinea and the surrounding islands, these shy birds prefer tropical jungles and only attach when provoked.
the first one on the above picture with the rock like crown is the southern cassowary, the second one is the northern cassowary and the third one is the dwarf (there are only three types)
hope you had fun, see you tomorrow!
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